Does your product placement make sense?
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In a previous business lesson video I talked about hitting your target market. You can watch that video here. This week I want to talk about making sure your product placement makes sense (and cents).
I went out to dinner this weekend to celebrate the 80th birthday of my wife’s grand-mom. While at the bar waiting to be seated I noticed they had some beach volley ball playing on the TV from Brazil. When the competitors stopped to take a break on the sideline. Sitting between each team was a mini fridge completely jam packed with… [More in the video]
Episode 336
welcome everybody to the business
podcast where we hammer out amazing
business lessons weekend week out
whether it’s with me or my guests this
week’s episode is brought to you by me
super Joe Pardo my brand new book sales
Holtz I had to look at the cover the
sales won’t save your business is how
now on Amazon you can go to sales won’t
calm and pick up your copy if there’s
digital form there’s paperback form
which I got in my hand and there’s also
going to be a audio book edition where I
make my audio book debut I didn’t read
the whole book I did do one part of the
book that happens to be in every single
chapter of the book anyway pick it up
today its sales won’t calm so on this
episode of the business podcast I want
to talk about product placement and when
it doesn’t necessarily make sense
product placement is everywhere right
it’s it’s I mean it’s in this video
right here right now if you’re watching
this on youtube you’ll see there’s
copies of my book right behind me there
are other albums and things behind me
there’s an award for podcasting right
behind me
placement this shirt I’m wearing is and
is a shirt for a video game that a good
very very close friend of mine developed
and I happen to pick the name for the
game anyway product placement is
everywhere now redbull you know I I got
a bone to pick with you
I I was out to dinner Saturday night
with some family and we were celebrating
a birthday party birthday party birthday
and the on the TV at the bar while we’re
waiting for our table there was some
Brazilian volleyball going on you
probably watched beach ball beach
volleyball during the olympics but ABC
had it on on a Saturday night cool
and you know there’s plenty of Red Bull
ads and there’s other ads all around the
the court what stood out to me was the
fact that there was there was a
mini-fridge in between the two each of
the two players so they when they sat
down and think like their little
intermission or I’m not really sure than
really watch before but when they sat
down and take that intermission there
was a mini-fridge behind it like right
next to them so the camera was on them
and that mini fridge was full of Red
Bull totally full not a single can
missing and the reason probably being is
is because no one’s going to drink the
Red Bull what kind of message does that
send I don’t know that the product
placement makes a lot of sense there I
get it they sponsor it they you know and
they they sponsor a lot of things and
it’s awesome that they throw money
around like that and and and it’s great
but just a little thing like that right
so you have this mini fridge between two
volleyball players who are probably not
even gonna drink the stuff maybe ever I
mean personally I drink it from time to
time whenever I know I got to get
through something I know it’s not great
for you or whatever but it does the job
right I don’t drink coffee I don’t drink
alcohol you know once in a while I need
to be able to get through the thing that
I got to get through so with that said
so I’m sitting there thinking like okay
so you thought this was a good idea cool
but I don’t see how how it really works
because now it looks like nobody wants
to drink your product it’s all sitting
there in the fridge stocked and ready to
go maybe take a couple cans out or
better yet why don’t you find something
else to put into that mini-fridge or dog
but a mini-fridge at all right like I
just don’t like I get that they’re
trying to shoehorn it in there but it
just doesn’t make sense cuz no one’s
going to drink out of that and if I was
them and I was like dead set or or told
that like hey we need to put this
mini-fridge here full of stuff I don’t
at least take two cans or three cans out
make it obvious that like hey maybe
somebody drank it who’s drinking the Red
Bull I don’t know
I didn’t see anybody don’t camera do it
but I know for a fact that it’s it’s
somebody drank it or probably drank it
well I have to assume somebody drank
because there’s a canvas and couple cans
missing so it’s just things like that
that I want you to to think about when
you’re going through the ability you go
through your ability to add product
placement to two different aspects of
your business right and you got to think
about that from the perspective of like
okay if I have a showroom and there’s
vendor banners or whatever like how many
of those signs are we putting up what
signs are we putting up and if there’s a
certain amount of space that you have
maybe you need to consider that your
product placement or in this case your
banner placement needs to be more
calculated and may be charged for more
than just you know hey this is a nice
feature that we add and we take up our
space whether it’s our window or front
window space where it’s are inside our
banner space that kind of thing so give
it some real thought as to what you know
should go there don’t just enable
yourself to like oh cool we’re gonna
have all these banners now all
willy-nilly give it some thought just
like the the Red Bull in the in the
cancer and I wish I had taken a picture
because I’m gonna place it in this video
here on YouTube or at least in the the
featured image for this this blog post
on super Joe par calm anyway yeah so
just give thought to who you’re
marketing to what your you know what
message you’re trying to send when you
go through product placement whether
it’s for your business or whether it’s
for other businesses to do to you or for
you or at your place of business and
especially even with your website right
give that kind of that kind of stuff
consideration think about even like
supermarkets right they give
preferential treatment to end caps and
things like that well that’s all space
that’s paid for because everybody wants
their stuff on the end cap because
everybody has to walk by an end cap they
don’t have to walk down the island pass
by your stuff you can highlight things
and that’s where you can make some money
now real quick I want to talk about you
know the change I made it
been almost a month already since I made
the change to the show you know they did
that episode that you can go check out
called yes I charge my podcast guess and
with that said I’ve had a really amazing
response and people have been super
supportive of this so look forward to it
I don’t have any coming up for a real
soon but I have some booked in the
future podcast guests that are gonna be
paid advertisements or not paid
advertisements but or paying to to
advertise here on the show by being a
guest on the show so look forward to
those like this episode is brought to
you by fill in the blank
business here and I’m looking forward to
bringing those to you so that I can help
recoup some of my costs from the time
doing this show and everything from
hosting to my word to all that and of
course I’m still vetting it and I think
I might have mentioned I might have
mentioned this before about how there
was a somebody thought that this was
like my big business plan or something
like that and and I can assure you this
is not the big grand scheme business
plan here is to charge my guests to be
guests to you know charged my guests for
sponsorship spots specifically not my
guests to be guests per se but anyway I
also want to say that being upfront
about things has really helped me and
it’s helped bring people along with this
process of me changing how I’ve run the
show and all of that so I’ve enjoyed it
and I’ve also enjoyed making these
videos you know from the videos to the
podcast that mr. Neame in the podcast
episodes to me it it’s been it’s been
fun now obviously these some of these
episodes have been more talking head
then they have been you know me going
out and about like I used to do in the
YouTube channel and I want to get back
to some of that I’m hopeful that we’ll
get back to some of that but in the
meantime you know having this platform
to have these and to be able to connect
one-on-one I think it’s a great great
thing all
I wanted to point out that um you know
some people that were negative towards
me having a sponsorship fee for the show
one example they were trying to point
out that like I don’t have a ton of
reviews all night for my show now anyone
that knows anything about iTunes reviews
don’t mean anything they don’t affect
your ranking or rating or anything like
that other than the star rating like for
your show
so you know and I don’t ask any of you
whether you’re listening to this or
watching this video or reading on the
blog to to go and rate and review on
iTunes because again it doesn’t really
make a difference the thing I do ask for
is is that you share this content with
someone else that can get something out
of it so if you’ve enjoyed this episode
whether you’re watching it on on YouTube
or you’re listening to it on your
favorite podcast app please take the
time to go and share it with somebody
that you know and care about and want
them to be able to get the same things
out of it that you’re getting from this
show in this platform that would mean
the world to me that would mean the way
it should mean a lot to them that you’re
taking the time to share something like
and we can help grow this platform
together that’s that’s how we’re going
to get from here to there at least
that’s how I feel about it anyway I hope
you all have a magical week ahead I got
a couple big things going on coming up
as far as some events I’m planning and
an experiment that I’m trying out that I
think I might talk about in a future
episode so we’ll see how that goes I
think it’s gonna take like 10 to 15 days
but but if it works or it doesn’t work I
think I’m gonna do an episode about it
so I look forward to sharing that stuff
with you in the meantime this episode
has been brought to you by me super Joe
Pardo and my brand new book sales won’t
save your business has a foreword by Lee
Cockrell who’s a former Disney executive
vice president he was at Disney World
for his tenure there the book is
basically a book about building better
relationships better relationship with
your business better relationship with
your team your offer and
process and basically set you up to make
more money and to grow bigger it’s
gotten some phenomenal feedback already
and if you’re watching this and we’re
listening to this well the one review I
will ask you to go do is if you bought
the book already from sales won’t calm
which is shakes you right to Amazon
leave a review for on Amazon for me that
would that would definitely I’d be super
appreciative we’d have zero reviews
there whereas on iTunes I have like 120
reviews so yeah you know some reviews
would definitely help I’d love to get to
get your feedback on it too if you’ve
gotten to read it please feel free to
send me a message on just go to
SuperDuper calm the bottom contact pick
your favorite way to contact people and
shoot me a message anyway I hope you all
have an amazing amazing amazing week
ahead and I will talk to you all next
week thanks for joining us for this
episode of the business podcast
featuring super Joe Pardo get more
business content at super Joe Pardo calm
if you or someone you know would like to
be a guest on the business podcast send
an email to Joe at super Joe Pardo calm
the business podcast is copyrighted two
two three four Solutions LLC