$39 In Bank, $270K in Debt | Tenikle on Shark Tank
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Business Strategist, Super Joe Pardo reacts and gives his advice to the business Tenikle from Shark Tank Season 13 Episode 9.
Check out Tenikle at https://tenikle.com/
Haha! No worries! They are all here for you when you are ready for them!
I’m having a bit of trouble with the first two pitches from tonight’s episode. I’m hoping to get them up tonight. I tried something different for the layout, and while my tests worked, it is not working so well for a full pitch.
Been watching you for the last few weeks. Really enjoying the content! Thank you!
Thank you so much!! I appreciate you watching and commenting!! Happy to have you in the Super Community!
I’m curious why Hans called his company Tenikle. Maybe he couldn’t get the copyright for Tentacle? Just curious. What a great product and an interesting entrepreneur. Thanks, Super Joe.
Trademark, not copyright.
@TJ. Espygil You’re welcome. A good way to remember the difference is:
Copyright=Write a book
Trademark=Company name, or slogan, or product. It’s their mark when they trade.
@@tj.espygil4544 You’re welcome. A good way to remember the difference is:
Copyright=Write a book
Trademark=Company name, or slogan, or product. It’s their mark when they trade.
@Locutus Thank you again. I find learning tools like this very helpful!
@@Locutus Thank you again. I find learning tools like this very helpful!
Maybe someone else already owns the Trademark so he put a spin on the name.
so the dumbass has 39 dollars in the bank and keeps arguing for 5%. what if daymond said im out you dont value a shark. he took a huge risk.
Daymond’s offer was pretty fair for the amount of risk involved with this deal.
agreed lol. thats why were working together now
Excellent product and design……
I envision building a product line to thwart this company forward….
However I am not going to just post and give it away….
Super cool Joe….
Always a pleasure watching shark tank with your commentary…
As I said previously….
Your show is better than the show itself brother….
Ohhh!! Get the gears going and get off the races!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate you watching and being a part of the Super Community!
I’ve had one for like 3 years but the material inside broke so I’m super sad about it.
Oh wow! I was really tempted when I first saw it but decided against it at the time. I’m glad to see he has pushed the product further! I appreciate you watching and commenting!
@Super Joe Pardo yea, thanks for such an optimistic review.
@Joe Pardo yea, thanks for such an optimistic review.
@@SuperJoePardo yea, thanks for such an optimistic review.
have a great weekend!
Sounds like you had our first version! We’ve officially made it indestructible since
Thanks Mike!!
Another awesome show Super Joe. Love the product, love the commentary and really stoked he took the deal with Daymond.
You are so welcome Prevlin! It definitely is an interesting product!
Thank you Ashish!! I appreciate you watching and commenting!!
Can you do the minuscal episode if you can find it. It was an episode from 2 years ago according to YouTube.
I got you Ty!
I grew up with Hans in So. Cal. Such a good guy with great ideas!
So glad to hear that! I would love to have him on my show for an interview if you have a way to reach out to him. I appreciate you watching and commenting Brooke!
@Super Joe Pardo I’ll see what I can do
@Joe Pardo I’ll see what I can do
@@SuperJoePardo I’ll see what I can do
Thank you!! Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Are you stoned when you’re talking? You sound *drunk* and while I’m listening to you, I feel frustrated like I’m listening to someone slurring their words. I like the content but your speech style is oddly aggravating. If not, my apologies for asking.
I appreciate you watching and commenting! I actually don’t drink at all, ever. (Personal choice)
This video and any of the newest episodes that air are recorded on the night they air. I try my best to rest the day of but with two little kids and businesses to run. There is only so much I can do to rest/drink caffeine.
@KK – I really can’t see joe’s speech as slurred. Joe’s videos are simple, thought provoking, and honest. Plus, I am not sure if you have ever had kids!
Joe, keep em coming. We love the videos.
loved roberts offer in his situation i would have said propably yes way too fast .. that was a very beautiful clean and bright looking future i wonder what happens next (gonna unpause had to write that befor i see what actualy happened after this one
Robert’s offer was to help not really for investment.
dedication or out of options?
I grew up with Hans. Good to see him chasing his dream.
He absolutely is! I had such a great time interviewing him a few weeks back. I appreciate you watching and commenting!
hi lol
Surfboards aren’t that heavy. I mean cmon, they float on water
That is a great point. I have never lifted a surfboard before. I just looked it up, between 10-20 lbs.
@Super Joe Pardo that’s about right depending on the type of board. And for it’s ideal purpose I guess that’s really plenty but I just thought it’s was funny to use something that floats as a weight demonstration.
@Joe Pardo that’s about right depending on the type of board. And for it’s ideal purpose I guess that’s really plenty but I just thought it’s was funny to use something that floats as a weight demonstration.
@@SuperJoePardo that’s about right depending on the type of board. And for it’s ideal purpose I guess that’s really plenty but I just thought it’s was funny to use something that floats as a weight demonstration.
Not even gonna lie I just wanna watch the episode I just skip through you talking I don’t care about your input but I do thank you for fulfilling my interest in seeing some of the episodes that get teased lol
I appreciate you watching and commenting herm derm. Did you watch the interview I did with Has? https://youtu.be/vChIoSkHUaY
I appreciate you watching and commenting herm derm. Did you watch the interview I did with Hans? https://youtu.be/vChIoSkHUaY
@Nike Dattani lol Thanks Nike!
@@NikeDattani lol Thanks Nike!
Robert’s a good guy and it shows in how he was willing to pay off all the debt. And Robert wasn’t gonna stop there, he was willing to go all in as well in restarting the business and bringing in another partner. And I think 60% for 370k wasn’t a greedy offer, it was indeed a lifeline, I think it was a fair offer. But yeah, I get where Hans is coming from as well and why he turned down Robert’s offer.
All in all, it was actually a pretty good offer
However, I was excited to work with Daymond and not lose as much equity
I learned online marketing in a couple months. And this is your full-time job?
You could easily sell 10 per day on the weekend at a flea market, so that’s 20 x $45. $900 a week for two day’s work? Then spend your extra money on advertising for your website. He’s got hundreds of thousands of dollars of inventory. I don’t know why he’s so broke. LOL
I’m just curious how you’re allowed to play the episodes and not get taken down. Is it just because you talk through the episode? It’s a good idea if so
Bruh I really want to see the full view
I appreciate you watching and commenting Luis. YouTube copyright bot. Did you see the interview I did with Hans?
Sending it over to Mr.Beast, MXR plays, Pewdiepie, markiplier, etc. There are hundreds of crestors with millions of followers. Do an affiliate link and you won’t have to pay advertising upfront.
Those guys wouldn’t talk to you without upfront sponsorship money.
Get those in walmart
Meaning, get a deal to have then available in walmart
If there were a deal to buy multiple for a discount, I think they’d make great presents. I’ve got gopro mounts but feel this would be great for shooting in the woods or a workshop
I appreciate you watching and commenting Nathaniel!
@Joe Pardo it’s my pleasure
@@SuperJoePardo it’s my pleasure
We do have some sweet deals here and there. Signup to our email to receive notifications! It does make a great stocking stuffer!
Can’t imagine how good this would be if I could actually see more than half the screen
I appreciate you watching and commenting Mr Thrasher. Youtube copyright system. Also, Hans loved it and came on and did an interview with me. https://youtu.be/vChIoSkHUaY
Dude, are you aware that your pic is blocking like a quarter of the screen?
I appreciate you watching and commenting Taiwan. YouTube copyright.
Love the isuzu trooper dash in the photos…
Saw them in Best Buy ads. Tenikle products.
My guy why you talk so slow?
I appreciate you watching and commenting Jacob. Videos are shot in real-time with no editing and the pitch has not been pre-watched.
I love you <3
sounds like a lot of work lol
Best part is when hans says “love you guys” and cuban says “love you too” with that look he has… so funny
I love it I love it! Guy didn’t make no excuses just got it done. 39 bucks it would have been easy just to get another job and let the business go or run on the side. That is wbat most would have done plus had every excuse. It reminds me of people that say they don’t have time to Start a business but have time to go on dates or hookup with random people smh. Congrats to him