Buggiest Pitch in the Tank? | Cup a Bug
Business Strategist, Joe Pardo reacts and gives his advice to the business Cup-A-Bug pitch from Shark Tank Season 15 Episode 15.
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Check out Cup-A-Bug at https://cupabug.com/
This guy is so genuine. I cried at the end for him, tears of joy
I don’t get this pitch at all…I think it’s a bigger market for people who would rather kill bugs than capture them and release them in the wild just to have to recapture them somewhere down the line. It makes no sense
Not everyone is like you, some people don’t want to squish bugs… this is also a good product for people who are just scared of getting near bugs in general
@@peanutbutter4435 most people are like me, which brings me back to my point of this idea not being a big enough market because most people who are afraid of bugs would much rather destroy them than keep them around.
@@robertnegron6804lol everyone thinks most people are like them. Tons of women are simultaneously afraid of bugs but also humane enough to not want to kill them.
One could easily argue that the “bug killing” market is oversaturated with competition. One of the biggest parts of being a good entrepreneur is not only about inventing a product, but identifying a market with a need and very little competition.
Not everyone is going to create sliced bread.
It’s not just bugs it can catch any small animals that might get into your house like frogs, geckos, lizards, etc. I’d rather not kill them in my house lol
trap bugs in an upside down glass , put a piece of mail under the glass, flip it over, let it outside
There’s not a lot of entrepreneurs that go in there that I feel have a certain level of humility, but I’m actually very happy for this guy to get a deal he deserves it
That was a heartwarming episode that i didn’t expect.
Mark is buying his company and his talent. Mark sees that this guy has talent. It doesn’t matter if this company works out or not but the person itself is valuable.
Perfectly said. I bet this guy is going to be one of the hardest working entrepreneurs in the Tank. His appreciation is so genuine
No, mark invested because he liked the guys personality and saw he was genuine and pure, and was only asking for 75k, it wasn’t about money or business, it was emotion
Robert is childish af
I would SO buy this thing cuz I’m freaking terrified of centipedes and this would totally make it so I don’t have to down a 40 of vodka before confronting creepy crawlers in the bathtub.
We saw the beginning of this while eating dinner with the kids the other night, but we had to skip the pitch because it was about bugs (with dinner, nope). Now we gotta watch it back together.
What a stupid idea. Let’s flush bugs down the toilet where they belong!