Pop Tarts Rape Commercial?
Normally, I don’t let myself get offended and I definitely can see the joke here since these characters have been trying to capture pop tarts in all ways imaginable. But the other night when I was sitting at my dad’s house and saw this commercial come on, I had to do a double take. Not only did I get the impression they implied that the pop tarts became drunk, but seemed pretty blatant to me when the female character said, “Can’t hold your soda boys?” I can’t be the only one that finds the irony of a lady saying this to what one may presume would be two boy pop tarts.
Of course this is fresh in my mind thanks to that Judge Persky who is letting a raper get off with 6 months. I signed it, and you should consider it too. Here is a link to a petition to have him removed: http://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/stanford_judgeperskyrecall/
I know that my blog isn’t usually a place to find things that are potentially offensive, but as an admirer of all things marketing this stuck out to me. So I am not entirely sure if going after a pop tarts rape commercial was their target, but I could definitely see how it could be construed as such.
Am I alone in thinking this? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Omg yes!!! When I saw it I had to watch it again I couldn’t even believe it. Like who watched this before airing and was like “yeah this is a great one”??
I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for visiting and commenting Reauna! 🙂
Theres other bad poptart commercials too! Two poptarts were going to adopt a PBJ poptart and the husband said to the wife “its got your “Vajelly” and vise versa but with “its got your peanuts”
Wow that definitely sounds like some lines are being crossed @Dingus.
I was really shooken up after watching this. They took a stab at making date-rape “funny”. Awful.
Never thought I’d ever Google “pop tart rape”. I did. Found you. It sucked.
I just googled this commercial and found your post. I just saw it and was very uncomfortable. You are not alone in your distain.
Yeah it is pretty wild that the commercial is still being aired on TV. Glad I’m not alone in questioning this commercial.